Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

SPACE LAUNCH @ Haus der Kulturen der Welt. On Music: Life after Music Magazines – The Norient Way

Co-Curation, Co-Production, Execution

Zum Launch des Norient Space diskutieren wir im HKW mit Künstler*innen und Denker*innen aus dem Norient Netzwerk darüber wie Musikjournalismus in der Zukunft funktionieren kann. Eine Utopie?

Co-Curation, Co-Production, Execution


Zum Launch des Norient Space diskutieren wir im HKW mit Künstler*innen und Denker*innen aus dem Norient Netzwerk darüber wie Musikjournalismus in der Zukunft funktionieren kann. Eine Utopie? «On Music: Life after music magazines – the Norient way» will am 5. März 2020 zeigen wie Musik, Sound, Geräuschen und Krach erfahrbar machen können, was heute bewegt und morgen möglich ist.

Die neue transdisziplinäre und audio-visuelle Norient Ausstellung wird als immersive Sneak Preview in die physischen Räume des Haus der Kulturen der Welt geholt. Die geplante digitale Sound & Media Art Gallery „THE NOW IN SOUND“ (weitere Informationen weiter unten) auf feiert im HKW Premiere, eine Panel-Diskussion mit Norient Kontributoren, sowie ein umrahmendes Musikprogramm sollen Norient als vielschichtige Plattform für den Sound der Welt präsentieren – ein Zuhause für aktuelle Musik, relevanten Journalismus, innovative Forschung und Multimedia-Projekte.

Keynote: Dr. Jenny Fatou MBaye (Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries, City University of London, UK)

Norient Kontributoren diskutieren: Theresa Beyer (Musik- und Kulturjournalistin, Norient), Faisal M. Khan (Kurator, Akaliko Collective), Bryan Little (Filmeregisseur), Kamila Metwaly (Musikjournalistin, Musikerin, Kuratorin, Savvy Contemporary) und Ali Gul Pir (Rapper, Satiriker)

LIVE: Sarathy Korwar & the UPAJ Collective (The Leaf label)
DJ: Dis Fig

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

«THE NOW IN SOUND» digital Exhibition

Concept, Co-Curation and Projectmanagement

Norient and Hyper Culture invited 50 co-curators and cultural creatives from 18 countries to engage, reflect and re-create the Norient content. The result of the transformation are media-art pieces, a dynamic and experimental hypermedia format called «Snap». The digital exhibition can be seen online.

Conception, Co-Curation, Projectmanagement

Norient presents the digital group exhibiton

Norient & Hyper Culture invited 50 co-curators and cultural creatives from 18 countries to take over the Norient to engage, reflect and re-create the material they found in the Norient archive. The results are media-art pieces with a complete new audio-visual identity, a dynamic and experimental hypermedia format called «Snap». The digital exhibition can be seen online and will be brought to the physical space of the HKW as a sneak preview, for the fi rst time and just for one evening.

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Selected Artworks «THE NOW IN SOUND»

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

Norient Space “The Now In Sound”

Co-Creation and Execution

The new Norient Space is a virtual, transdisciplinary sound and media-art gallery called «The Now in Sound», an award-winning platform for the sounds of the world: for contemporary music, quality journalism, cutting-edge research, and multimedia projects.

Conception, Co-Creation,
Execution, Projectmanagement

Norient Space.jpg

Sandra Passaro, together with Thomas Burkhalter, created the new Norient Space: the virtual, transdisciplinary sound and media-art gallery «The Now in Sound», it features the work of 300 artists and producers from 50 countries. «The Now in Sound» is an award-winning platform for the sounds of the world: for contemporary music, quality journalism, cutting-edge research, and multimedia projects.

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

Project Management: Norient/ Nass Makan, Cairo

Music exchange program and workshop with final concert in the Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts – Makan in Cairo.

Norient Projectmanager Sandra Passaro, Curators Johannes Rühl (Norient) & Ahmed El Maghraby (Makan)

NassMakan Norient.png


Sara Käser (cello)
Hans Hassler (accordion)
Elias Menzi (hammered dulcimer)

Traditional Zar Ensemble Mazaher (Egypt, Cairo)
Om Sameh (main vocal, mazhar)
Om Hassan (back vocal, doholla)
Sabah Back (vocal, mazhar, sagat)
Rafaat Tamboura (hana, main vocal)
Sayed El Araby (back vocal, mangour, mazhar)
Abdalla Kawala Salem (main vocals, hana)
El Shankahawy (back vocals, sagat, hana)
Shadya Mazhar (back vocals)

A project by Pro Helvetia Cairo, Makan Cairo, and Norient

Residence of three Swiss musicians together with the Egyptian Mazaher ensemble in Cairo and Fayoum. Intensive musical exchange and rehearsal with final concert in the Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts – Makan in Cairo.

In this intensive workshop the musicians of mainly traditional and improvised music from Egypt and Switzerland worked on their musical differences and similarities, to find a common musical language on this basis. Not the easy «groove» was the goal but a sensitive approach and the development of new musical experiences and possibilities.

Pro Helvetia Cairo


Al Munirah
El-Sayeda Zainab

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

Project Management: Norient/ ISM Hexadome @ Gropiusbau, Berlin

The ISM Hexadome is an immersive 360° audiovisual exhibition combining art and technology and features nine audiovisual performances and installations from international artists curated by ISM in cooperation with Norient.

Norient Projectmanagement Sandra Passaro, Curation Theresa Beyer & Thomas Burkhalter


The ISM Hexadome is an immersive 360° audiovisual exhibition combining art and technology and features nine audiovisual performances and installations from international artists curated by ISM in cooperation with Norient. The project is the first step in the Institute for Sound & Music’s initiative to build a museum in recognition of sound, immersive arts, and electronic music culture. Norient curated two artists into the project: Lara Sarkissian and CAO. The events featuring Brian Eno, Thom Yorke, and others, are taking place between March 29 and April 22, 2018, at Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, Germany.

The ISM Hexadome is comprised of a visual projection architecture designed by Berlin digital media studio, Pfadfinderei, and the «Klangdom», an advanced multi-channel speaker configuration created by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics Karlsruhe. The Klangdom is controlled by the software Zirkonium developed by ZKM and 3D audio mixing software Panoramix developed by IRCAM’s STMS Research Lab.

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

PR Communication: 1+1 recording project, a co-production of Norient and Sound Development

The project brings together unexpected artist pairings and showcases them to new audiences. The main focus of the project is on urban music from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.


The 1+1 recording project, a co-production of Norient and Sound Development, aims to produce and document great tracks from upcoming artists worldwide. The project brings together unexpected artist pairings and showcases them to new audiences. The main focus of the project is on urban music from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Producing Tracks

In each season, Norient and Sound Development invite three artists (musicians, MCs, DJs, or producers), each of whom is asked to select another artist with whom he or she would like to produce a track during one week. The exchanges can be regional and do not need to include European artists. Season 1 debuted in 2015 with three pairings in Honolulu, Lomé and Cairo.

Documenting the Process

While the artists co-produce their track in one of their hometowns, local journalists and scholars document the production process and the backgrounds of both artists. They publish articles, interviews, podcasts, and video documentaries on, the online magazine for local and global sounds, media culture, and on other media channels.

Presenting the Project

After the production weeks, the three pairings present and promote the project within their own networks through individual activities, publications, and local release events. In addition, Norient and Sound Development organize a release event in Switzerland, featuring at least one of the three artist pairings.


1+1 was initiated and developed by Sound Development and Norient. Through project 1+1, Norient and Sound Development want to promote and support musicians with distinctive artistic positions and journalists and filmmakers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America by connecting their music, films, and texts to a new audience. The project also gives insight into today’s music production and illustrates production methods in regional and international settings.

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Sandra Passaro Sandra Passaro

Project Management: Seismographic Sounds - Vision Of A New World @ CTM & @ Rough Trade w/ The Wire

Traveling Exhibition, Discourse Program and Book Release with contributions of 250 musicians, journalists, academics and bloggers from 50 countries like Bolivia, Syria, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ukraine, Egypt, Iraq, Ghana, Finland, Israel, discuss artistic expressions that may not make big headlines yet, but anticipate major changes to come.

Traveling Exhibition, Discourse Program and Book Release curated by Thomas Burkhalter, Theresa Beyer & Hannes Liechti


250 musicians, journalists, academics and bloggers from 50 countries like Bolivia, Syria, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ukraine, Egypt, Iraq, Ghana, Finland, Israel, discuss artistic expressions that may not make big headlines yet, but anticipate major changes to come. Produced in oftentimes small studios from Jakarta to La Paz, Cape Town to Helsinki, these works experiment with the new possibilities of the Internet age and illuminate new spaces beyond the confines of commercialism, propaganda, and bigotry. They foresee a changing geography of multi-layered modernities, far beyond old ideas of North versus South, West versus East. Discover this through a collage of articles, interviews, quotations, photographs and lyrics.

The Norient exhibition «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» shows and discusses contemporary video clips, tracks and Sound Art from around the globe. The exhibition travels next to CTM Berlin - February 2016, and is then hosted by museums and festivals in Germany, Switzerland and the UK. «Seismographic Sounds» is a multi-authored exhibition about new diversity brought forth by digital cultures. It is closely linked to the new Norient book «Seismographic Sounds».

Within the CTM Festival, Norient was invited to curate parts of the DISKURS program: in different formats such as video clip sessions, panel debates and a music films, international Norient guests discuss about ethical boarders in working with local sounds, Postcolonialism and new strategies of researching music today.

Theresa Beyer, Thomas Burkhalter, Hannes Liechti
Julien McHardy, Nils Volkmann, Carlotta Werner
Jan Paul Herzer and Max Kullmann (hands on sound)
Oliver Baurhenn und Jan Rohlfs
Sandra Passaro
Nicolai Wienzoschek, Jens Dralle, Arne Krüger, Nico Krüger, Jens Langsteiner, Doris Pahl

Stephan Hermann
Annegreth Schärli (gut&schön)
Tess McClernon and Meredith Slifkin (English), Anna Trechsel (German)
Theresa Beyer, Marcus Gammel, Michael Glatthard, Julia Monte, Jay Rutledge, Dania Sulzer, Johannes Stephan, Jan Tschannen, Sascha Wegner

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